## Run the program Run like this: > If you want check python code in-time, do the following steps: >> 1. Install docker and pull 'xingyaoww/codeact-executor' >> 2. Linux: `bash ./code_execution/start_jupyter_server.sh 8082` Windows: Entering the code_execution folder. Exec `python3 api.py --port 8082` in the powershell or commandline > If the code checking api does not run on the port 8082, codeAI can also work but code checking is not performed. > ChatOnly and DocAnalyzer do not require the api of code checking. > input ./MECHInfo.exe in commandline or double click on the MECHInfo.exe file 附:docker安装教程和使用教程:https://blog.csdn.net/fanhuaIIIIII/article/details/108626454